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Table 5 Annealing and optimization algorithm

From: BFL: a node and edge betweenness based fast layout algorithm for large scale networks

1: procedure ANNEAL(v,threshold)

2:    Set currentCoord ← v.coordinate

3:    Set currentEnergy ← EnergyOf(v, currentCoord)

4:    Set bestCoord ← currentCoord

5:    Set bestEnergy ← currentEnergy

6:    Set k ← 0

7:    while currentEnergy – tempEnergy > threshold AND k < kmax do kmax is some constant to cut off runaway calculations

8:       Set tempCoord ← newNeighbor(currentCoord,v)

9:       Set tempEnergy ← EnergyOf(v,tempCoord)

10:       if bestEnergy > tempEnergy then

11:          Set bestEnergy ← tempEnergy

12:          Set bestCoord ← tempCoord

13:       end if

14:       if transition(currentEnergy, tempEnergy, k) then

15:          Set currentCoord ← tempCoord

16:          Set currentEnergy ← tempEnergy

17:       end if

18:    end while

19:    Set v.coordinate ← bestCoord

20: end procedure

21: procedure NEW NEIGHBOR(currentCoord,v)

22:    Return Gaussian centered at currentCoord with deviation c2Ln(N odeBC [v] + 1)3

23: end procedure

24: procedure TRANSITION(currentEnergy,tempEnergy,k)

25:    Set temp ← (kmax - k)3

26:    Set transition ← e(currentEnergy-tempEnergy)/temp

27:    Set rand ← random value from 0 to 1

28:    if rand < transition then

29:       Return true

30:    else

31:       Return false

32:    end if

33: end procedure

  1. General annealing implementation is shown here with a cubic cooling schedule.