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Figure 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 7

From: Computational neuroanatomy: ontology-based representation of neural components and connectivity

Figure 7

Representing neuroanatomical abnormalities. Abnormal anatomic structures are represented by altering the attributes of their connections to other structures. (A) Motor initiation neural network in Parkinson's disease, showing impaired connections (decrease in activity) in the direct basal ganglia pathway relative to the indirect pathway activity (dotted arc, labeled "IMPAIRED") as well as impaired putamino-pallidal connections. (B) Net activation of brain structures can be computed in the ontological representation of the neuroanatomical network by propagating net activation at each nucleus. In this representation of the Parkinson's disease, each connection is assumed to have unitary activation or inhibition, and there is net inhibition of the cortex.

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