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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: JISTIC: Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer

Figure 2

Limited peel-off applied to example. Limited peel-off for the same example shown in Figure 1. The x axis corresponds to consecutive markers across the chromosome while each bar represents the G-score contribution of that marker. Reported peaks are displayed as green bars at the top. Limited peel-off successfully detects two peaks in the example, independently of aberrations in other chromosomes. The figure also illustrates how thresholds in limited peel-off are applied. In this example s = 1. (A) The G-score contribution for each sample is decomposed into the G-score for the primary peak (green), Gr (white) and Gn (red). (B) Each bar illustrates the total Gn of the marker. The threshold Gthres represents the cut-off that determines whether the peel-off should be aborted. In this example the peel-off is aborted in marker 14, allowing the detection of an additional peak.

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