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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: GATExplorer: Genomic and Transcriptomic Explorer; mapping expression probes to gene loci, transcripts, exons and ncRNAs

Figure 1

Graphical view of the pipeline followed to build the GATExplorer application, showing the data sources integrated ( Ensembl , RNAdb , Affymetrix and GeneAtlas -i.e. the four external databases marked in blue square frames-) and a schematic view of the main methods applied at each step -marked with grey gears. As a result, the outputs from the pipeline provide the web platform, which encloses several inhouse built databases -marked in yellow square frames- and several data and tools -marked in orange-, including the files (Text files) and packages (R CDFs) with the de novo mapping of the array probes to the transcriptome of the corresponding organism (human, mouse or rat). The application also provides the genomic coordinates to each locus (including mapping on exons, introns and along exon-exon junctions) and identification of any intersecting genes, transcripts, exons and ncRNAs.

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