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Figure 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 3

From: Odefy - From discrete to continuous models

Figure 3

Boolean model definition. A The easiest way to define a Boolean model in Odefy is to specify a set of Boolean equations in a text file. This example represents an asymmetric version of the mutual inhibitory switch shown in the results section. Note the use of the MATLAB language-specific operators &&, || and ~. B Regulatory interaction graph created with the yEd graph editor. Regular arrows represent activatory influences whereas diamond-head arrows stand for inhibition. Note that we need to specify a generic logic to combine multiple regulatory inputs for node E. The Odefy default at least one activator and no inhibitors logic would result in E = (A C) ¬ (B C). C Alternative representation of the Boolean model as a hypergraph. Using a specialized node '&' we can precisely specify the Boolean logic for node E. All edges not incident to a '&' node are treated with an OR logic. The resulting Boolean update rule reads E = (A ¬ B) C ¬ D. = logical AND, = logical OR, ¬ = logical NOT.

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