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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: HAT: Hypergeometric Analysis of Tiling-arrays with application to promoter-GeneChip data

Figure 2

Venn diagram depiction the overlapping regions-of-interest between HAT, Starr and MAT. Detected regions-of-interest by HAT (blue: 856), Starr (red: 1664) and MAT (green: 4784) are indicated with the number of overlapping regions between the methods. The overlap of regions detected by all three methods (pink: 719) showed high enrichment for CEBP binding motifs. Overlapping regions between HAT and MAT (64: blue) and Starr and MAT (orange: 652) also showed high enrichment for CEBP binding motifs. Uniquely detected regions by Starr (red: 70) showed no significantly enriched motifs, and MAT (green: 3092) showed limited motifs enriched for CEBP. Note that the number of overlapping regions can contain multiple regions-of-interest detected by a single method.

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