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Table 1 Set of rules used to determine final contributions of individual methods toward weighted consensus

From: dConsensus: a tool for displaying domain assignments by multiple structure-based algorithms and for construction of a consensus assignment

Number of predicted domains

If the number of domains predicted by PDP and NCBI > = 4, then the weight assigned to DP is reduced by 10%


Should PUU predict more domains than PDP and NCBI, downgrade PUU prediction by 10%


If PDP predicts five domains or more, downgrade NCBI by 10%

Number of fragments per domain/chain

If three or more methods have at least one domain fragmented (may not be the same domain) then the weight of all methods that do not predict fragmented domains is reduced by 10%


If NCBI and PDP have no fragmented domains, then the weight of all methods that predict fragmented domains is reduced by 10%

Type of Structure

If the structure is all alpha-helix (in the DSSP structure definition) and NCBI and PDP disagree on the number of domains in the chain, the weight of PDP is increased by 10%


If the structure is all beta-sheet and NCBI and PDP disagree on the number of domains, the weight of PDP is increased by 10%


If the structure is all beta-sheet and NCBI and PDP agree, the weight of both methods is increased by 10%


If the structure is alpha-beta and NCBI and PDP agree, the weights of all methods that disagree with PDP and NCBI are reduced by 10%