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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: RISCI - Repeat Induced Sequence Changes Identifier: a comprehensive, comparative genomics-based, in silico subtractive hybridization pipeline to identify repeat induced sequence changes in closely related genomes

Figure 2

Alignment signatures for shared ancesstory or OCCUPIED loci in the comparative genome. Complete alignment of the repeat overhangs contiguously with their respective flanks and the separation between the flanks within 100 base range of the transposon length in the main genome. From left to right - Pink line - upstream flank, blue arrows - Target site duplication sequence, Green line - repeat sequence, dotted lines- poly (A) tails, orange line - downstream flank. DSSFC - downstream sequence subject first coordinate, Query1 - 5' or upstream flank with 50 bp repeat overhang, Query2 - 3' or downstream flank with 50 bp repeat overhang, RM - RepeatMasker start and end coordinates, USSLC - upstream sequence subject last coordinate.

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