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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: Sorting out inherent features of head-to-head gene pairs by evolutionary conservation

Figure 4

TF similarity is positively related with expression correlation of h2h gene pairs. (A) boxplots of expression correlation values of four h2h pair groups with different level of TF similarities. Pairs sharing at least one TF ( 2nd and 3rd ) boxplots displayed a significantly higher expression correlation than those with no common TF (1st boxplot): mean values 0.564 vs. 0.355, two group t-test p =1.21e-09; pairs sharing two or more TFs (3rd boxplot) displayed a significantly higher expression correlation than those with only one common TF (2nd boxplot): mean values 0.619 vs 0.496., two group t-test p=0.02.(B) the scatter plot of expression correlation values vs. TF similarities (defined as the fraction of shared TFs in the union TFs).

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