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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: A comparison of the functional modules identified from time course and static PPI network data

Figure 1

Schematic overview of reconstruction of the TC-PINs. Our method mainly consists of two stages, screening gene expressing profiles and reconstructing the TC-PINs. Reconstructing the TC-PINs. Input: static PPI network G = (V,E ) and sets of gene products S1, S2, · · ·, S36 ; Output: the TC-PINs; 1. For Each pair of interacting proteins(pi, pj ) in G, do pi ∈ S1 and pj ∈ S1 then the protein interaction pair is selected as part of TC-PIN S1. 2. Repeating step 1, until all interactions in static PPI network have been processed. As a result, TC-PIN S1 has been reconstructed. 3. Similarly, remaining TC-PINs can also be generated.

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