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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: "Antelope": a hybrid-logic model checker for branching-time Boolean GRN analysis

Figure 2

A fragment of the state-transition graph of a Boolean GRN showing the appearance of infinitely many paths. Infinitely many paths appear in this Boolean GRN because of one state (s1) having more than one future and occurring in a cycle. Some paths are: (s0s1s2 ...), (s0s1s1s2 ...), (s0s1s1s1s2 ...), ... A simulator using a random device traverses the model forward, state by state, following a single path of the state graph, limiting the use of such a tool to drawing only statistical conclusions about all paths in models such as this one. Model checkers, by contrast, can prove precise properties, even in the presence of infinitely many paths resulting from states having more than one future.

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