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Figure 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 3

From: A discriminative method for family-based protein remote homology detection that combines inductive logic programming and propositional models

Figure 3

Performance as measured by AUC-ROC. For each SCOP family, we run SVM and DT models T times (see Methods) over the same positive set, but over several different negative sets. We calculated the AUC-ROC for each run and the AUC-ROC of SCOP family by averaging the AUC-ROC on all runs. We plot the AUC-ROC versus the number of families that achieved a given AUC-ROC score or better for the database S full (A) and for the database S 30 (B). We shows only ILP models that achieved best performance. We carried out rank-sum test [38] to compare the curves, see Table 4. For both databases ILP-SVM-Seq-Aln cons -Aln ps outperformed all methods, except SVM-LA, and ILP-DT-Seq-Aln cons -Aln ps outperformed only HMMer-3.0.

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