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Table 1 Experimental Design

From: PPINGUIN: Peptide Profiling Guided Identification of Proteins improves quantitation of iTRAQ ratios






Exp 1

mouse:1 - channel:114

mouse:4 - channel:117

mouse:7 - channel:116

mouse:10 - channel:115

Exp 2

mouse:2 - channel:115

mouse:5 - channel:114

mouse:8 - channel:116

mouse:11 - channel:117

Exp 3

mouse:3 - channel:116

mouse:6 - channel:115

mouse:9 - channel:117

mouse:12 - channel:114

  1. Experimental design and iTRAQ labeling (114 - 117) for three experimental replications (Exp 1, Exp 2 and Exp 3). For every distinct combination of genotype and diet 3 different mouse individuals are used.