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Figure 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 5

From: EnzML: multi-label prediction of enzyme classes using InterPro signatures

Figure 5

Comparison with InterPro2GO2EC and testing on TrEMBL. Left panel: The results of the internal cross-evaluation of the entire SwissProt⋈KEGG and Swiss-Prot datasets are compared with the direct transitive annotation using InterPro2GO and EC2GO lists. The results of training on the SwissProt⋈KEGG dataset and testing on the TrEMBL⋈KEGG dataset are also included. The x axis (accuracy, precision, recall) starts at 50%. Right panel: Comparison of the EC digits in the predicted and actual EC numbers for the TrEMBL⋈KEGG dataset. All predictions= all the EC annotations emitted by training on SwissProt⋈KEGG and predicting the unlabelled TrEMBL⋈KEGG (true positives, true negatives, false positives, false negatives). Correct predictions = only the predictions corresponding to true, correct annotations existing in TrEMBL⋈KEGG (true positives and true negatives). Wrong predictions = false positives and false negatives. The data files used (SwissProt⋈KEGG and TrEMBL⋈KEGG) are available as Additional file 3. The full cross evaluation results are available in Additional file 7: all_cross_evaluation_results.csv

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