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Figure 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 5

From: Model averaging strategies for structure learning in Bayesian networks with limited data

Figure 5

Effect of double bagging This figure shows the effect of double bagging on learning performance for the ALARM network. The horizontal axis is the average number of bad edges detected (false positives), and the vertical axis is the average number of good edges not detected (false negatives). The blue curve is the simple average of the single best network learnt by the search procedure for each of the 2500 bootstrap resamples. The magenta curve is the simple average over 2500 bootstrap resamples of the simple average of the best ten networks learnt by the search procedure for each resample. The green curve is the simple average over 2500 bootstrap resamples of the Bayesian average of the best networks learnt by the search procedure for each resample. Each curve is the average of 60 independent data sets each containing 250 data points.

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