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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: Region-based progressive localization of cell nuclei in microscopic images with data adaptive modeling

Figure 4

Illustration of decluster processing. (a) The example image (after iterative enhancement). (b) Newly identified candidate regions are shown in yellow, with purple indicating the ones detected during initial segmentation, and both gray and purple denoting the reference regions; here to illustrate the probability inference, the light blue circle highlights one reference G k , and pink and orange circles indicate two candidate regions G x . (c) The candidates validated shown as yellow. (d) The KDE plot generated for G k , in which the pink and orange lines represent p ̂ 0 ( δ k , x ) for the pink and orange circled candidates. (e) The probabilities Q(G x ,F) derived for all candidate regions, with P_1 and Y_4 corresponding to the orange and pink circled candidate regions, the red vertical line separating the two clusters, and green horizontal lines indicating the thresholds for l(G x ) = F. (f)-(h): A second example with the same annotations to show that different from the first example, the real cell nuclei here are bright while the filtered candidate region is darker.

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