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Table 2 Gene duplication counts and SNPs for rainbow trout embryo and head kidney tissues

From: Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms from the transcriptome of an organism with a whole genome duplication


Single copy UniGenes

Multiple copy UniGenes



5170 (7923)

754 (3458)

3337 (5034)

Head kidney

2566 (5101)

399 (1906)

1376 (2284)


7289 (11100)

1234 (5113)

5052 (7412)

  1. The number of single and multiple copy UniGenes was estimated using the reads from all clones from the different tissues (The highest copy number from all individual clonal lines was used as the combined estimate for a UniGene). UniGenes without sufficient evidence of copy number are not represented. The SNP counts were found by comparing all clones against each other at the same time. These SNPs have a SNP score of 0.25 or greater, meaning that all of them have more than a single read representing each allele. The first set of numbers are from Novoalign alignments and the second set are from Megablast (in parentheses).