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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: Adaptable probabilistic mapping of short reads using position specific scoring matrices

Figure 2

Comparison of the sensitivity of BWA-PSSM, BWA, BWA-MEM and Bowtie2 for the three simulated biased data sets after applying MapQ filtering. After filtering the results on mapping quality all the mappers shown above have a PPV above 0.97, except for BWA-MEM which has a PPV of 0.868 on the P. falciparum data set. For the PAR-CLIP data we show the sensitivity of BWA-PSSMPC using the T-to-C transition model, and for the ancient DNA data the sensitivity of BWA-PSSMA using the ancient DNA damage model is shown. The sensitivities and PPVs are listed in Table 3. Bowtie and GEM are excluded as they do not provide MapQ scores.

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