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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Differential expression of microRNAs as predictors of glioblastoma phenotypes

Figure 1

Plot of differential expression for glioblastoma edge and core cells. Negative Log10p-values for each of the 805 miRs were plotted on the y-axis and Log2 normalized fold change expression levels on the x-axis. The threshold Benjamini-Hochberg corrected -Log10p-value (1.687) is superimposed on the volcano plot for reference (horizontal dashed line) to identify miRs with significant differential expression (α = 0.05). Vertical dashed lines at -1.0 and 1.0 Log2 fold change represent twofold threshold values. Black dots represent the 64 miRs identified as exhibiting both a significant FDR corrected p-value and a ≥ twofold change in expression level.

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