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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: An algorithm for mapping positively selected members of quasispecies-type viruses

Figure 4

Selection Map of HIV-1 RT. Positively selected variants are at those codons where one or more mutations from the consensus confer selective advantage on the virus (capitalized and listed below the consensus). Lowercase letters indicate mutations where the neutral drift hypothesis is not ruled out. Negatively selected variants are not shown. T-cell epitopes are colored yellow (helper T-cell epitopes) and red (CTL epitopes). Variants that confer AZT resistance are blue. Numbering is from the beginning of the RT protein. Epitope positions are taken from the Los Alamos HIV database epitope maps [48]. Known MHC associations of the epitopes are as follows: 1: A2, B61; 2: A28; 4: broad; 6: B35; 7: A2, A*0201; 8: B35, B*3501; 9: B51; 10:B7; 11: B35, B*3501, B7; 12: A3, A3.1, A11, A33, A*6801; 13: B35, B*3501; 14: A2; 15: A*0201; 18: B44; 19: B*5701; 21: DR5(11.01); 23: Bw62.

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