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Table 1 General double description method for EM computation.

From: Computation of elementary modes: a unifying framework and the new binary approach

N ← reconfigured stoichiometry matrix [N - N Rev ]



A q q independent rows of A

RA q -1


for each unprocessed row Aiof A do

  J+ ← {j J : Airj> 0}

  J0 ← {j J : Airj= 0}

 J- ← {j J : Airj< 0}

R' ← {rj: j J0 J+}

For (j+, j-) J+ × J- do

Processing of constraints in a given order

   If and adjacent in R then

Adjacency test

end if

end for


End for

Gaussian combination step

RR \ { futile two-cycles }

R ← back-configuration of R
