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Table 1 The ten classes summarised in group "structure" with labelled difficulty level and a selection of methods available.

From: MolTalk – a programming library for protein structures and structure analysis

Class Name





Returns 4-letter PDB code




Extracts date from HEADER line


Returns type of experimental method


Returns resolution as in REMARK2 lines


Writes out complete structure to a stream in PDB format


Returns enumerator over all chains


Returns chain for a given code


Removes a chain from structure



Structure Factory


Reads structure from directory or file


Offers parsing options from directory or file





Returns code of this chain (as string/number)


Returns chain identifier consisting of PDB and chain code


Returns COMPND and SOURCE lines, EC code Transforms all residues/atoms in chain by transformation matrix


Returns number of residues (amino acids and nucleic acids), standard amino acids, heterogeneous residues, solvent residues


Provides access to residues, heterogeneous residues, solvent residues


Adds new residue, heterogen, new solvent molecule to chain


Removes a residue, heterogen, solvent molecule from chain


Derives amino acid sequence from connected residues


Derives amino acid sequence with filled gaps ("X") where missing residues occur


Returns amino acid sequence from SEQRES entry


Computes geometric hashing table of all residues


Finds residues in chain which are close to given co-ordinates based on geometric hashing



Chain Factory


Creates a new chain with given code



Returns the residue name/number


Returns the name of the standard residue as the base of this modified residue as in MODRES lines


Returns description of residue modification as given in MODRES lines


Translates residue name into amino acid one letter code


Adds new atom to residue



Residue Factory


Creates new residue with number and name





Returns atom name/number


Returns temperature factor for an atom


Returns chemical element


Returns partial charge of atom


Returns enumerator over all bonded atoms


Adds bond from this atom to given atom2


Removes all bonds


Removes bond to atom2


Sets atom to be of chemical type





Calculates Euclidian distance between two co-ordinates


Returns x, y, z from co-ordinates


Transforms co-ordinates by transformation matrix



Pairwise Structural Alignment


Provides access to first/second chain


Computes transformation based on superimposed chains


Re-computes transformation from selection of residue pairs


Calculates RMSD of structural alignment


Counts alignment positions in structural alignment


Counts aligned pairs only


Counts aligned pairs with distance below given cut-off


Reads external pairwise alignment from stream in T_Coffee format and re-computes structural alignment from this


Writes structural alignment to stream in T_Coffee library format





Counts number of residues in this selection


Returns enumerator over selected residues


Includes/excludes a single residue to/from selection


Adds all selected residues from selection2 to this selection


Structurally aligns selection1 to selection2 and returns the resulting transformation matrix

