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Figure 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 3

From: Integrating alternative splicing detection into gene prediction

Figure 3

Detail of EuGène's directed acyclic graph and algorithm. The zoomed region contains the two first nucleotides of the example sequence of Figure 3 (C at position i - 1, and A at position i), and two annotation tracks (UTR5' for j and exon in frame 2 for j + 1). The contents edges c connect the l vertices to the following r vertices of the same track. Transition edges t are either horizontal and link the r vertices to the l vertices of the same track, or transversal and link the r vertices to all possible l vertices according to the occurrence of a biological signal in the sequence. In this example, between and a vertex allows the transition from the UTR5' track at position i - 1 to the exonic track at i because the A nucleotide at position i is the first nucleotide of a potential start codon ATG. The dynamic programming algorithm used in EuGÈNE determines, for each vertex r, which vertex precedes r in the optimal path. In this example, at position i for the track j the best path leading to from the left has a weight (only one origin is possible). For the track j + 1, the best path leading to will be attributed a weight of either , whatever the lower.

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