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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: MASQOT: a method for cDNA microarray spot quality control

Figure 4

Relationship between classification accuracy and threshold value for the POP2 data. The threshold value t defines the boundary between bad and not bad spots for the POP2 training set (38 627 spots) and the POP2 test set (39 421 spots). Spots with a predicted class conformity value for the not bad class (CCnb) below the threshold value t are classified as bad while the remaining spots are classified as not bad. a) Overall classification accuracy vs. threshold value calculated as the fraction of correctly classified spots in the data set for a given threshold value. The solid line represents the POP2 training set whereas the dashed line represents the POP2 test set. The dotted vertical line at threshold value t = 0.4 illustrates an approximate maximum. b) Classification accuracy of the bad and not bad spots vs. threshold value. For the POP2 training set, the solid line represents the classification accuracy of the not bad spots and the dashed line represents the classification accuracy of the bad spots. For the POP2 test set, the dot-dashed line represents the classification accuracy of the not bad spots and the long-dashed line represents the classification accuracy of the bad spots. The dotted vertical line at threshold value t = 0.5 denotes the intersection point.

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