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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Mining published lists of cancer related microarray experiments: Identification of a gene expression signature having a critical role in cell-cycle control

Figure 1

Identification of published lists enriched in p16/pRB regulated genes. (A) Each circle in the figure represents a set of NCBI Gene identifiers (whole set, blue circle). The significance of the amount of NCBI Gene identifiers in common (k) between p16 or pRB regulated genes (UL, yellow circle) and one published list (PL, green circle) is evaluated using the hypergeometric distribution (the formula is reported in right bottom corner of panel A). For each platform (P, orange circle) we annotated the subset of NCBI Gene identifiers that are present on the platform used in the published work (N). The significance of the overlap is estimated considering only NCBI Gene identifiers present in the user list and the P platform (n). (B) Venn diagram representing the overlap of NCBI Gene identifiers repressed by pRB, p16, and EWS/FLI (C) Venn diagram representing the overlap of NCBI Gene identifiers induced by pRB and repressed by EWS/FLI.

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