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Figure 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 7

From: Integrated biclustering of heterogeneous genome-wide datasets for the inference of global regulatory networks

Figure 7

Halobacterium bicluster network as visualized using Cytoscape [78]. Biclusters are represented as rectangular nodes, colored based upon significant functional annotations [40]. Different colored edges represent different measures of cluster similarity or connectivity in various association networks (dark blue: KEGG [48] metabolic pathways; dark red: GO [40] functional similarity; light blue: motif similarity; yellow: operon membership; light red: COG [89] functional similarity; green: gene membership). Highly-connected (and therefore functionally-related) biclusters are placed near each other in the layout. The selected (grey) bicluster group near the bottom contains bacteriorhodopsin-associated biclusters, including the one in Fig. 1. Note that these biclusters have not been filtered to remove redundancy.

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