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Figure 13 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 13

From: Rank-statistics based enrichment-site prediction algorithm developed for chromatin immunoprecipitation on chip experiments

Figure 13

Validation of RSSPA using qPCR data – II. qPCR validation data is shown for HisH4 sites generated via RSSPA. (Top panel): Raw qPCR enrichment (fold over background) for each site tested. Two qPCR enrichment thresholds corresponding to 5 SD (yellow) and 10 SD (red) above negative sites are shown. The sites validated were selected at random from two distributions: (i) meta p-value (ii) signal enrichment. (Center panel): The qPCR enrichment of the sites validated has been binned against their meta p-value distribution. The results attest to a positive correlation between the two variables. Data-points in blue represent tested sites which are selected without any SE filter and the ones in red indicate sites selected following the application of a SE = ln(2) filter. The strong correlation between p-value and SE observed in the computational analysis is validated by qPCR. (Bottom panel): A summary of the sensitivity of RSSPA as obtained with different combination of p-value and signal enrichment filters employed in final segmentation.

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