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Figure 8 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 8

From: Effect of various normalization methods on Applied Biosystems expression array system data

Figure 8

Significantly differentially expressed genes concordance: genes detected in both samples by TaqMan® assays were first ranked according to their average CT value in UHR and brain. We use t-test to detect significantly differentially expressed genes, controlling FDR at 5% level. For each bin of 50 consecutive genes (according to the ranking), we compare the results from each normalization method with the ones from TaqMan® assays. We keep track of up/down regulation in each platform. TPR represent the percentage of genes detected differentially expressed in microarray data out of the ones detected by TaqMan assays. FDR was defined as FP/(TP + FP), where FP is false positive in microarray data, and represents the percentage of differentially expressed genes detected only by microarray out of all genes differentially expressed in microarray.

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