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Table 3 Overlap between PASBio and the corpora. For each corpus, we give the percentage of verb tokens that could be accounted for by the PASBio verbs. The Verb tokens column gives the number of tokens covered by PASBio/the total number of verb tokens in the corpus. The Verb types column gives the number of types covered by PASBio/the total number of verb types in the corpus. See the text for why the numerator in the latter is not always 29.

From: A critical review of PASBio's argument structures for biomedical verbs


Verb tokens

Verb types


BioIE (both)

8.8% (1509/17,186)

3.2% (28/871)



12.1% (1,148/9,455)

3.7% (24/649)



4.9% (379/7,731)

4.3% (26/601)



8.5% (4,416/51,879)

2.6% (28/1077)