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Figure 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 6

From: The Deuterator: software for the determination of backbone amide deuterium levels from H/D exchange MS data

Figure 6

Iterative Theoretical Isotope Approach. 1. The natural isotopic envelope is calculated for the peptide at 0% deuterium content and scaled to the highest observed intensity within its m/z range. The chi-square fit score is noted. 2. The process is repeated in 1% increments to 100%. 3. The best (lowest) score is used in the results. The panels above show some of the iterations at increasing levels of deuterium incorporation. A = 0%, B = 10%, C = 25%, D = 43%, E = 65%, F = 90%. The best chi-square score was for panel D at 43% deuterium incorporation.

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