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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Effective transcription factor binding site prediction using a combination of optimization, a genetic algorithm and discriminant analysis to capture distant interactions

Figure 1

Recognition performance for different PWMs. Each vertical block shows the performance of five different PWM algorithms: BVH (Berg and von Hippel) [2], LOD (log-odds) [63], MCH (MATCH) [62], NLG (natural logarithm) and OPT (natural logarithm, optimized matrix length) for each TF. The vertical axis shows the false-positive rate (logarithmic scale) for that algorithm at true-positive rates defined in the caption at the top of the figure. The upper and lower plots compare the algorithms using 15 nt mononucleotide and 20 nt dinucleotide PWMs respectively.

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