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Table 2 Distribution of theme classes for Transcription, Translation, Gene_expression and Binding events

From: Corpus annotation for mining biomedical events from literature





DNA (538)

Protein (34)

Protein (2,569)

Protein DNA (1,186)

RNA (334)

DNA (7)

DNA (904)

Protein Protein (611)

Protein (291)

Virus (1)

Virus (47)

Protein (288)

Virus (38)


RNA (30)

DNA (77)

*No theme (16)


Peptide (4)

Other_organic_compound Protein (58)


Protein Lipid (48)


DNA DNA (31)


Polynucleotide Protein (22)


Protein Protein Protein (10)


DNA Protein Protein (8)



  1. The lists for the event classes, Transcription, Translation and Gene_expression are complete. For the event class Binding, the 10 most frequent theme patterns are shown. Note that Binding events are allowed to be annotated with more than one themes.