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Figure 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 6

From: Deducing topology of protein-protein interaction networks from experimentally measured sub-networks

Figure 6

Degree distribution of the core sub-network. The degree distributions of the original dataset (cyan) and the CSN (red) and two randomly sampled subnetworks for the DPPI dataset (a) and the high-confidence DPPI dataset (b) by Giot et al [20]. Here CSNs are defined by bait and prey score ≥ 0.5. RSN1: randomly sampled network from MSN, in which the protein number is the same as in CSN. RSN2: randomly sampled network from MSN, in which the number of edges is the same as in the CSN. The functions for the lines in a are: p(k) = 0.4k-1.2e-0.038k(cyan); p(k) = 0.5k-0.6e-0.22k(red); p(k) = 0.7k-0.85e-0.3k(RSN1); p(k) = 1.0k-0.85e-0.5k(RSN2). The functions for the lines in b are: p(k) = 0.85k-1.26e-0.27k(cyan) and p(k) = 1.2k-0.01e-0.75k(red), p(k) = 1.9k-1.0e-0.9k(RSN1); p(k) = 1.9k-1.2e-0.95k(RSN2).

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