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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: PatternLab for proteomics: a tool for differential shotgun proteomics

Figure 2

ACFold's graphical user interface. The interface above displays results from real experimental data. The plot on the right shows the distribution of the identified proteins according to log2(fold change) on the ordinate (y) and – log2(1- (AC test p-value)) on the abscissa (x). The plot tab indicates that 104 proteins (blue dots) were differentially expressed because they satisfied both the AC test and fold-change cutoffs specified by the user. 23 proteins (orange dots) did not meet the fold-change cutoff but were indicated as statistically differentially expressed, therefore deserving a second look. 267 proteins (green dots) met the fold-change cutoff; however, the AC test indicated that this happened by chance. 2293 proteins (red dots) were pinpointed as not differentially expressed between classes because they failed both the AC test and the fold-change cutoffs. The GUI also lists an AC FDR indicating that all blue dots satisfy the established user-selected FDR of 0.1.

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