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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: The Annotation, Mapping, Expression and Network (AMEN) suite of tools for molecular systems biology

Figure 2

The Main Application Window. A screen shot of the main application window is given. A possible analysis strategy for mammalian testicular expression data is shown in the six data type panels as indicated. Four groups (clusters) of genes are defined as d ifferentially e xpressed in t estis and so matic (DET-SO), mi totic (DET-MI), me iotic (DET-MI) and p ost-m eiotic (DET-PM) depending on peak expression in Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids, respectively. The expression dataset (Spermatogenesis) was obtained with a GeneChip covering approximately 25000 protein-coding mouse genes for which an appropriate annotation file is selected (Mouse430_2.na22). To visualize the interaction network of proteins falling into two selected clusters (DET-MI and ME) information from three sources is combined (IntAct_MINT_BioGRID). To display the chromosomal localization of selected genes falling into given expression clusters files with gene coordinates are available with and without cytological bands (affyMOE430, affyMOE430_WithCyto). Users can choose from statistical analysis of GO term enrichment in clusters (AnnotationEnrich) or gene enrichment on chromosomes (MappingEnrich).

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