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Table 3 RMSD values for larger proteins. For each of the proteins in the larger set, the RMSD of the best model in the top four ranked fold-types is tabulated (along with the fold-type in parentheses). Where this corresponds to the native fold, the value is in bold type.

From: Functional site prediction selects correct protein models

PDB (length)





1v9w (130)

13.4 (F23)

11.3 (F24)

6.9 (F26)

6.3 (F25)

1rlj (135)

13.7 (F10)

4.9 (F9)

11.2 (F1)

13.7 (F8)

1kjnA (159)

3.4 (F1)

5.0 (F3)

5.0 (F4)

9.4 (F6)

1vq1A (178)

8.5 (F12)

9.5 (F3)

7.1 (F5)

7.9 (F1)

1uxoA (186)

13.7 (F2)

11.4 (F14)

8.9 (F6)

11.8 (F11)

1t57A (186)

14.8 (F8)

9.8 (F10)

14.9 (F1)

9.9 (F3)

1vk2A (187)

16.4 (F13)

14.7 (F4)

14.5 (F2)

15.9 (F10)