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Table 4 Example of remaining number of T-RFs and total fluorescence after treatment

From: Impact of T-RFLP data analysis choices on assessments of microbial community structure and dynamics


Average no of T-RFs

Average total fluorescence

After PDT 50*

26 ± 9

14693 ± 5486

After PDT 100*

16 ± 5

11018 ± 4517

After normalization**

11 ± 2

5339 ± 18

After alignment***

8 ± 2

3828 ± 438

  1. Average values ± the standard deviation of the number of T-RFs and total fluorescence (sum of peak heights) of the T-RF profiles of 38 activated sludge samples after data treatment. *Replicate profiles were normalized and consensus profiles were generated from two replicate profiles only considering T-RFs present in both. **After normalization of consensus profiles. Both replicate and consensus profiles were normalized using the total fluorescence normalization procedure based on peak heights. ***All T-RFs that could not be unambiguously aligned were removed.