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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Pydna: a simulation and documentation tool for DNA assembly strategies using python

Figure 1

The pydna assembly process. A) A number of sequences (Dseqrecord objects) are fed to the algorithm and analyzed for overlapping sequences. These are added to the sequences as sequence features (striped boxes). B) A graph is constructed where the overlapping sequences are represented by nodes and intervening sequences are represented by edges. Two special nodes, 5′ and 3′ are added, so that the graph can be used to trace both linear and circular recombination products. C) A circular or linear (D) recombination product was found and assembled. E) Five sequences share homologous sequences so that the resulting graph has two circular sub graphs. All three circular graphs are returned where the largest is the combination of the two smaller sub graphs.

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