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Table 4 Each species proportion of proteins having discriminative n-grams with no orthologs in other species, proteins having discriminative n-grams with orthologs only in a species of the same kingdom/phylum and proteins having discriminative n-grams with orthologs in other species

From: Comparison of phosphorylation patterns across eukaryotes by discriminative N-gram analysis


Each species proportion of discriminative n-grams with no orthologs in other species

Each species proportion of discriminative n-grams with orthologs only in species of the same kingdom/phylum

Each species proportion of discriminative n-grams with orthologs outside the kingdom/phylum

Arabidopsis thaliana

24.4 %

63.1 %

12.5 %

Oryza sativa


58.2 %

41.8 %

Homo sapiens

3.6 %

87.1 %

9.3 %

Mus musculus

2.3 %

91.0 %

6.4 %

Drosophila melanogaster

40.0 %

5.4 %

54.6 %

Caenorhabditis elegans

22.5 %

11.7 %

65.8 %

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

62.3 %

15.9 %

21.7 %

Schizosaccharomyces pombe

33.3 %

21.2 %

45.4 %