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Table 1 ECBC Pipeline Analysis on Non-host Reads of Samples Containing B. anthracis, F. tularensis, Y. pestis, B. pseudomallei, and B. mallei. Unknown samples were created, sequenced on 454, Ion Torrent, and Illumina platforms and processed (methods). Datasets were then analyzed using the ECBC pathogen detection pipeline. Table shading represents the positive and correct identification of the organism listed. Unshaded cells represent the lack of single-read identification matching to the pathogens spiked

From: pathogen detection and characterization through a web-based, open source informatics platform



Ion Torrent


File size: 2.5gb

File size:1.62gb

File size: 5gb paired-read files

Pipeline runtime: 35m12s

Pipeline runtime: 29m18s

Pipeline runtime: 4hr11m


Spiked Amounts

Taxonomy Assignment ID

Iterative Assembly ID

Taxonomy Assignment ID

Iterative Assembly ID

Taxonomy Assignment ID

Iterative Assembly ID

B. anthracis

1x106 CFU

F. tularensis

1x105 CFU

Y. pestis

1x104 CFU

B. pseudomallei

1x103 CFU



B. mallei

1x102 CFU