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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: De novo assembly of highly polymorphic metagenomic data using in situ generated reference sequences and a novel BLAST-based assembly pipeline

Fig. 2

Schematic summary of corresponding HBV genome (NC_003977) regions for assembled contigs identified as HBV variants. Arrows indicate 5’ to 3’ direction. Only reads containing the sequences spanning the junction regions were assembled separately into variant contigs; reads spanning non-junction regions of the variant contigs (dotted lines) were assembled into the main HBV contig. The L1 sequence, which is similar to T5, resulted from HBV variant validation with PCR using specialized primers followed by Sanger sequencing. Positions are in correspondence with NC_003977, with dotted lines representing the remaining portion of the circular HBV genome, and the boxed section indicating the encapsidation signal (or episilon, ε)

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