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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: microTaboo: a general and practical solution to the k-disjoint problem

Fig. 2

N-code conversion table and Mismatch matrix. The N-code conversion table & the mismatch matrix for N = 3. (left sub-figure) Concept of N-coding with N = 3 and only using nucleotides (A, C, G, T). Every unique sequence is assigned a unique number in lexicographical ascending order. (Right) Visualization of a mismatch matrix in N-code format where N = 3 and only using nucleotides (A, C, G, T). Each cell in the matrix contains the Hamming distances between the respective row and column element, i.e. the sequence or N-code value represented there. For example, the sequence “AAA” → <0 > and the sequence “AAG” → <2 > are at a Hamming distance of 1 away from each other as in the cells (0,2) and (2,0). Meanwhile, the distance between sequence “AAA” and “TTT” is 3 → <63 > as in cell (0, 63) and (63,0)

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