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Fig. 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 7

From: Explorative visual analytics on interval-based genomic data and their metadata

Fig. 7

Exploring the effect of treatment with Ethanol 0.02% on gene-binding enrichment of several proteins. Heatmaps are displayed in thumbnail size (since at this resolution the labels of rows and columns would not be readable, we removed them and provide full size labeled heatmaps at http://www.bioinformatics.deib. The heatmaps in yellow-blue and black-red color scale represent the genometric spaces generated in the GeMSE STT during the exploration, and the extracted patterns, respectively, for the binding enrichment significance. Panel Rpc shows the patterns of gene-protein binding enrichment significance found for the samples/treatments-proteins in the initial genometric space R. Panels A2p0, A2p1, and A2p2 plot the vectors (genes) respectively forming the first, second, and third most common patterns of those found (shown on panel A2p) for the genometric space A2. The table explains the vectors (samples) forming the most common pattern on panel A5pc in terms of the“Antibody target” attribute of the sample metadata. Panels A5pr0, A5pr1, A5pr2, and A2pr3 plot the vectors (genes) orderly forming the first four most common patterns of those found (shown on panel A5pr) for the genometric space A5

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