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Table 2 The main modules of LOD-ABOG

From: Linked open data-based framework for automatic biomedical ontology generation

Module Name



Performs the linguistic analysis tasks such as tokenization, segmentation, Part-of-Speech (POS) [62], etc. that is required as input by subsequent modules.

Entity Discovery

Identifies biomedical concepts from free-form text by UMLS and LOD authentication

Semantic Entity Enrichment

Identifies biomedical concepts from free-form text using UMLS and LOD

RDF Triple Extraction

Extracts well-defined information and URIs, as well as taxonomic relations to enrich discovered concepts using LOD.

Syntactic Patterns

Extracts non-taxonomic relations by identifying triples within a sentence that match predefined patterns of words against the input

Ontology Factory

Generates the ontology with respect to RDF, RDFS, OWL and SKOS schemas.