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Table 1 Major steps of GANE

From: Protein complexes identification based on go attributed network embedding

Algorithm 1 Protein complex identification algorithm GANE

Input: Graph G = (V, E), GO property matrix O, vector representation dimension d, threshold value θ

Output: A set of discovered protein complexes


Constructing a protein attribute affinity matrix S∈Rn×n

Generating vector representation for each protein φ∈Rd

Constructing a weighted adjacency matrix W

Initializing Alternative_core, Seed_core, ComplexSet to be \( \varnothing \)

Generating maximal cliques and put them into Alternative_core

While \(\textit {Alternative\_core}\ne \varnothing \):

DescendSort(Alternative_core) by density_score



Pruning and updating remaining cliques in Alternative_core

End while

For core corei in Seed_core

finding the set of its attachments Atti

ComplexSet=ComplexSet+ corei∪Atti

End for

Return ComplexSet