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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: A voting mechanism-based linear epitope prediction system for the host-specific Iridoviridae family

Fig. 2

Locations of predicted LEs and corresponding residue contents. Residues possessing voting counts greater than the threshold setting are considered as candidate epitope residues and shown in orange for conserved epitopes and green/purple for unique epitopes. X-axis represents the position of residues according to multiple sequence-aligned results. Y-axis is the total voting counts of residues estimated by the five different LE predictors. (a) Voting results for all Iridoviridae families (total length: 479, Vt: 10). Four predicted LEs with lengths greater than 7 residues are shown in orange, and the residue contents are listed in the table. (b) Voting results for the VIV subfamily only (total length: 472, Vt: 6). Five predicted LEs with lengths greater than 7 residues are shown and listed in the table, including four conserved LEs in orange and one exclusive LE in green. (c) Voting results for the IIV subfamily only (total length: 468, Vt: 4). Six predicted LEs with lengths greater than 7 residues are shown and listed in the table, including four conserved LEs in orange and two exclusive LEs in green

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