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Fig. 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 6

From: Detecting the stable point of therapeutic effect of chronic myeloid leukemia based on dynamic network biomarkers

Fig. 6

Dynamic changes in DNB (250 genes) subnetwork (43 genes) with 4 sampling points. For CML, we show the dynamic evolution of the network structure of the identified DNB subnetwork with 4 sampling points. (a) DNB at 16 h. 43 genes, 631 lines (b) DNB at 7 days. 43 genes, 413 lines (c) DNB at 1 month (the pre-stable state). 43 genes, 385 lines (d) DNB in normal. 43 genes, 457 lines. Each point represents a gene, which is gradually colored according to the standard deviation of the gene. Lines between genes indicate the correlation between genes, calculated by PCC, and the lines with weak correlation (|PCC|≤0.4) are deleted. From these dynamic evolution charts, it can be clearly seen that the DNB group provides important signals when the system approaches the pre-stable point, the standard deviation of DNB genes becomes smaller and tends to be stable after treatment for 1 month, correlation of DNB genes is gradually weakened and the condition has eased and stabilized. So, a strongly correlated observable subnetwork is also formed in terms of expression variations and network connections

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