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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: Estimates of introgression as a function of pairwise distances

Fig. 2

Accuracy of statistics to measure the fraction of introgression. The comparison of simulated data with a known fraction of introgression using ms versus the statistics (y-axis). We simulated 100 loci for every fraction of introgression f=[0,0.1,…0.9,1] and plotted the distribution of the corresponding statistic outcomes. A window size of 5kb and a recombination rate of r=0.01 was used. The background histories (coalescent events, see insets) are a P12= 1×4N, P123= 2×4N, P123O= 3×4N generations ago. b P12= 1×4N, P123= 2×4N, P123O= 3×4N generations ago. c P12= 1×4N, P123= 1×4N, P123O= 3×4N generations ago. d P12= 1×4N, P123= 1×4N, P123O= 3×4N generations ago. Introgression directions are P3→P2 (a,c) and P2→P3 (b,d) tGF=0.1×4N generations ago. Colors: fd (grey), df (orange) Patterson’s D (light blue) and the real fraction of introgression (red dashed lines). The calls to the ms program can be found in the caption of Additional file 1: Table S1.1

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