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Table 1 Quality control metrics

From: A (fire)cloud-based DNA methylation data preprocessing and quality control platform

QC Metric

Information gained from this metric

Read metrics

Number of mapped and unmapped reads

CpG Coverage

Number of CpGs observed with a minimum coverage threshold


Average methylation by position across reads. Deviation from uniformity typically indicates a problem with library construction or data preprocessing.

Downsampling saturation curve

CpG coverage as a function of number of reads. A rising curve indicates that we would expect to observe additional CpGs from deeper sequencing of a library

CpG discretization

Useful in single-cell analysis, this represents the fraction of CpGs with non-binary methylation status

Feature level coverage

The fraction of key genomic features (e.g. promoters, CpG Islands), covered with at least 1 CpG.

Bisulfite conversion rate

The proportion of non CpG context C’s that were converted to T. This should be close to 100% in most mammalian tissues.

CpG density distribution

The CpG density distribution around observed CpGs is typically similar across samples indicating coverage of similar genomic regions.

Methylation distribution

Unexpected sample-to-sample deviations in the distribution of methylation values can indicate potential technical artifacts