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Table 2 API Data Schema

From: FunSet: an open-source software and web server for performing and displaying Gene Ontology enrichment analysis




id (int)

id (int)

id (int)

created (date)

created (date)

name (string)

ip (string, requestor’s IP)

term (id (int), defining a ForeignKey to Term)

termid (string, official GO id)


pvalue (float - detection rate in sample)


enrichments (list of id (int), defining a one-to-many relationship to Enrichment)

level (float - enrichment level in sample)

namespace (string)


semanticdissimilarityx (float - x position of term in graph scaled to [0-1])

description (string)


semanticdissimilarityy (float - y position of term in graph scaled to [0-1])

synonym (string)


cluster (int - the cluster to which the enriched term is assigned)

parents (list of id (int), defining a many-to-many relationship to Term)


medoid (boolean - true if this term is the medoid of its cluster)


genes (list of id (int), defining a one-to-many relationship to Gene that represents all genes enriched in the sample)

  1. The boldface items represent the data field names (i.e., the fields in the schema)